Confessions of seemingly somewhat well adjusted Jewgirl

A sorry attempt at blogging from a girl who could never even keep a diary. Tune in to see if anything even materializes.

Monday, August 14, 2006

James Delavega I Love You

Yesterday I walked into the most beautiful store ever. It was the store of the artist James Delavega, some of the art was beautiful and some of it was crude, lude, nude ... every little bit of it was smart and thoughtful and provoking. The artist sits outside his store with his family, plays music that you can't help but move to and allows people to just enjoy his work, he wears sunglasses, speaks as little as possible and even seems a bit unaproachable ... I enjoyed the store so much I went 3 times in one day and feel compelled to go back again and again until one day I can afford the one piece I can't help but take my eyes off of. It's a canvas of a couple face to face in an embrace,,, their love is uplifting, they have wings, its heavenly and it can cause change ... its sexy. I would put it right by my window, and sit on my ledge and just stare at the way light reflects on it at different times of day.

I spent some time in Tompkins Square Park and sang with the street performers for a long while. It was such an uplifting experience, singing with a band from different walks of life, watching the bums and drunks and druggies dance to our music and a young boy breakdance. I'll be back there.

East Village I Love You.
James DeLavega I love you.
Music I love you.
Life I love you.

But Time Warner Cable Sucks Hairy Sweaty Balls.


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