Confessions of seemingly somewhat well adjusted Jewgirl

A sorry attempt at blogging from a girl who could never even keep a diary. Tune in to see if anything even materializes.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

The cat came back ...

One of my favorite songs as a kid was The Cat Came Back. Its a song about an old man and a cat that won't go away. Each time the old man tries to kill the cat or send it away the cat finds its way back to the old man. Last night I got another email from an ex. ... all that comes to mind is my favorite song as a kid ... here's what he had to say.

"I keep thinking about you every day and I miss you terribly. You are my Hallie’s Comet and you broke my heart! I wish you would reconsider."

I think he spelled it wrong ... I think its supposed to be spelled Halley's Comet. Besides what does one thing have to do with the other? You are my Halley's Comet and you broke my heart.

Gentlemen reader (you know who you are, right now there is only one of you) from this you can learn two things. 1. Please don't mispell a pseudo love email 2. A lady will never fall for a man who smells of desperation.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

it's great that you put this up!

yeah, it's spelt wrong. and by the way, the average period of Halley's orbit is 76 years. so maybe in 76 years, he'll have a chance with you again. but i doubt it (;

1) i care enough to speel cheak;
2) yeah, learned that the hard way.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006  

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